Project AI Clinical Node

To strengthen industry's competitiveness by creating value from data.


Project management:
Kongsberg Klyngen AS

Project Manager:
Lars Lyshaug,
cell phone: 90 14 02 86,

Funding: 6 MNOK, partly financed by Viken County Council

Duration: 2022 - 2024

Do you work with artificial intelligence and want to participate in the project?
Please contact the project manager, Lars Lyshaug.

About the project

The AI Clinic is a concept launched by the Cluster for Applied AI in the fall of 2021 that aims to help businesses create value from data. This is done by methodically looking at companies' opportunities and challenges, and connecting them to the right expertise and tools.

The project is a cluster to cluster collaboration between the Viken clusters NCE Smart Energy Markets (SME), Cluster for Applied AI (CAAI), Digital Norway (DN) with Datafabrikken and the Kongsberg Cluster (KK). Together we will strengthen the green transition of the industry over the next 3 years by utilizing AI (Artificial Intelligence). Viken County Council supports the project with NOK 3 million for further development of new expertise and transition to Industry 4.0.

The project will bridge the gap between the CAAI supplier industry and CC-related system industry actors and facilitate competence building and collaborative projects.

Through Industripilot Kongsberg, actors from industry and business to the municipality, university and vocational school have worked together to ensure the transition to, among other things, Industry 4.0. - This transition is now further strengthened by the establishment of the "AI Lab - Viken" project where several good cluster teams that represent important actors individually, now stand stronger - together.


The project's main goal is to build and lift competence into an AI test lab, and help companies further in their efforts to exploit the opportunities in the use of data and artificial intelligence. This will be done through systematic work on developing new skills at the intersection of digital technology and industry. In this way, the project will be able to define what needs exist and how smart AI technology can be used for the transformation of industry.

What exactly is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is about developing computer systems that can learn from experience. Just as humans get better at performing actions and solving problems through trial, error and repetition - practice makes perfect for computer systems.