Towards smart societies

Can smart cities save the world? This was the title of Abelia's conference "Smart citizen, smart city", which was held on 26 May in the capital. Some of the speakers included Oslo City Council leader Raymond Johansen, Transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen, State Secretary Paul Chaffey in the Ministry of Local Government and Modernization and Ole Gabrielsen in Smart Innovation.

In Smart Innovation and the NCE cluster, we have already worked for a long time with the concept of Smart cities, and we have delivered and initiated many concrete projects for municipalities in Eastern Norway. The Smart Energy Hvaler project is a good example of a Smart City project that has functioned as a good arena for city and rural development, and which has laid the foundation for the effective start-up and scaling up of other Smart City projects in several municipalities.

In addition to the Smart Hvaler project, Ole Gabrielsen also highlighted the ground-breaking project around the virtual short-term department , which is a one-year R&D collaboration between Halden municipality, Smart Simulations, eSmart Systems and NCE Smart Energy Markets. The project will look at the possibilities of having patients on a virtual short-term ward using an IT platform provided by eSmart Systems, and is an important step the municipality is taking towards a smarter and more flexible everyday life for its citizens.

Read more about the Abelia conference at

Ole Gabrielsen presentation, Abelia conference 26 May 2016 (pdf)